Thursday, May 06, 2010

Job hunt

I had another good week of dinner last week! Really enjoyed cooking! Made marmalade pork chops, salads etc. Cleaned the house a little bit more, organised stuff round the house and went out a couple of times - meeting job agents! Ya, the search continues.. I sent like almost 2 dozen applications out to companies and also to agents, still nothing solid back yet. I have had a couple of offers but not too good ones, so had rejected them.

You cannot believe how some big national healthcare companies can be such bad paymasters, trying to squeeze the most out of you with a whole long list of responsibilities and then offering to pay you peanuts! Sheesh... And you wonder why service is declining.... now you know.

I also lost a job opportunty in a big multinational company because I am 'over-qualified'. I have not heard that one yet, so that's a first. I hope I get a job soon coz I am tired of the stress of looking for a job.

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