Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Lump in breast

Just went for my check up and my gynae found a lump in my breast. She said it shouldn't be anything sinister but I've still to pay a visit to the NCC (National Cancer Centre) for a check-up just to be sure. I'm kinda worried but she did say that it's common for some breast feeding mothers to get lumps due to blocked ducts or engorgements etc. So will see how it goes.

Matt's growing real quick, he's already 4.5 kg! He's up most of the afternoons so I spend my time either reading nursery ryhmes or singing (silly songs, haha..) to him. He's smiling and gurgling a lot, more expressive now. My only concern is his weird feeding schedule. It can stretch anything from 2 to 3 1/2 hours, and he's not finishing his milk consistently too. Other than that, he's growing well.

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