Friday, December 05, 2008

After-school care

I just started my maternity leave about 2 weeks back, 4 months of maternity leave. I know this is not very long compared to countries like Switzerland, Sweden etc. but in Asia, 4 months is really good. I’m half hearted about going back to work as we couldn’t find a good after-school care centre for Sam. The quality of after-school care here really is in a sad state. There are many of them around, just that they are lacking when it comes to preparing having a healthy schedule and healthy food for the children they look after. I’ve been to 2 after care centers and they either serve unhealthy oil-laden food or junk food (like Mc Donald’s meal) to the children! Also, the biggest chain of after-school care center seems to focus too much on academic. A day for the children in this particular after-school care center goes like this:
- Arrives at centre
- Bath
- Lunch
- Homework
- Maths/English/Chinese tuition
- Worksheets (on what else - Maths/English/Chinese!)
- TV while waiting for parents

They take monthly tests and the center pits the children who are in the same level against each other ie. they compete for top place in the centre. Shucks, this is like going for another school session after the first school session ends! It’s almost ridiculous. I’m still looking for a suitable after-school care center for Sam, hopefully, I’ll find one soon.

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