Friday, August 02, 2002

I am feeling kind of troubled ... Someone has asked me for 'advise' and I don't think I am qualified enough to give it, someone much older.. .. How do I advise anyone when I, myself am still grappling with the similar situation? All I could do was share my life experience.. which isn't very much when compared to the person who was seeking it! Life is so complicated and I am just making sense of it or at least I thought I was making some sense out of what's happening but everytime I think I've settled a little, the dust flies again!

Why is it so difficult? Why do I feel so sad for this person? How can I help? These questions keep coming back to me again and again and I hope and pray that with God's help that what I have shared so far will be interpreted correctly by the person seeking it! That maybe some of what I have written will appear to make some sense... I hope and pray it does.

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