Friday, July 26, 2002

I just read my sister-in-law's blog today, she sounded pretty down.... sort of lost.... can't really put my finger on it but somehow, it just sounded like she's 'troubled'. She wonders if her blog is good enough or significant enough for others .. ? It started me thinking too but then hey, out blog site is ours. Ours! To write whatever nonsense or ramblings that we want to...

I would love to have people reading my blog but even if nobody does, it doesn't matter coz this is where I express my frustrations or whatever other feelings that I have that need to get out. And after that, it feels good. When we do things, we shouldn't really do it for our own glory. Doing things for oneself does not give one the same satisfaction as doing things for other.

The reason why I started a blog? Because I was frustrated with people!! But then I carried on coz I guess if others can find some relief in reading it, then why not. If it helps them in any way (how I don't know) then all the better.
But the real reason why I continue to ramble on is because it is kinda therapeutic and fun :)

Have fun everyone!

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