Sunday, June 22, 2003

Another post, I cannot believe that I'm doing this again, so soon after all these months of not blogging. I'm just very stressed, must be because of the exam on Tuesday. I've been squeezing in revision hours throughout the whole of today and am rather tired now. But the studying must go on into the night as that is the only best time for me to get some revision done. It's not easy being a full time mom and a part time student, not easy at all...

Friday, June 20, 2003

Taking care of Sammy for the last six months has its ups and downs, and mostly it has been wonderful. I appreciated more the miracle of God's works when I see the fragile little baby that He gave us grow to the cheeky little baby that Sammy has turned out to be. It is not easy to look after a baby full time and sometimes you can just 'loose it' under all the stress - its worse than being at work!! So I'm really thankful for the strength and perseverance that God has granted me when I needed them most.

Thursday, June 19, 2003

I haven't had time to blog since Samuel was born. It has been a roller coaster ride looking after him and studying part time. Being a first time mom I had to pick up everything from my mom very quickly -it was a make or break situation- coz she was with me only for the first month of my confinement. I watched and practised changing diapers and bathing Sammy under the watchful eyes of my mom. It was tough but she encouraged me all the way, we had differing views though about some stuff, she being 'old fashioned' and all and me wanting to try out what I've read in Dr Miriam Stoppard's 'Complete Baby & Childcare'. The arguements that I had with my mom on how certain things should be done meant that someone was around with me and (more importantly) for me, but best of all was that someone was around to comfort me and look after me during my first month after childbirth.

The old Chinese folks believe that if one does not take care of herself during this period (called the 'confinement period') and recuperate 'properly', she will be 'weak' physically from then on. Confinement period here meant a whole lot of dos and don'ts -some of them being a) no bathes for a whole month b) no going out of the house c) try not to reveal any body parts (limbs included!) to the wind!! d) no air-con and the list goes on and on....

I can't say that I had a good confinement, Sammy was diagnosed to have 'G6PD Deficiency' and he was also jaundiced on the day that we were supposed to check-out of the hospital. The doctors wanted to keep him in the Neo-natal ward for observation for two weeks! I was heartbroken, Sammy had not left my side since he was born and now I was to be separated from him for two weeks, I cried - a lot. Since I was breastfeeding him I had to go back to the hospital everyday. So much for the much needed rest that I was supposed to get and all the other dos and don'ts. I was really exhausted after a week of shuttling to and from the hospital and decided to get the doctors to release him, they agreed but only if I would sign an indemnity form, typical!

Sammy came home on day 10 of his life, I was exhilarated!